Wrecking Ball Alberta Call for Submissions

Join Edmonton’s arts & culture community for a one-night cabaret where arts and politics collide! Wrecking Ball Alberta is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, ideas, passions and art with audience and politicians alike in advance of the upcoming provincial election.

Wrecking Ball Alberta will be held on Monday, April 16 at The ARTery. Politicians from all parties will be invited.

We are looking for artists of all disciplines interested in performing a 2-8 minute set. Performances must be Alberta-centric.

If you are interested in participating in Wrecking Ball Alberta or would like more information, please contact Megan (mdart@catchthekeys.ca) or Beth (bdart@catchthekeys.ca) by Friday, April 13.


The Wrecking Ball was founded in Toronto in November 2004 to address a nagging imbalance: too much theatre in our politics, not enough politics in our theatre. There have been eleven Wrecking Ball cabarets in Toronto, including a national event that saw Wrecking Balls staged semi-simultaneously in 10 cities across the country in 2008 and 2011, in advance of the federal election.