Canoe Theatre Festival guest blogger Jerry Aulenbach talks of clown snores, sword fights and boldly going where no clown has gone before. Catch Punctuate! Theatre‘s Vice Versa in its finale Canoe performance on Friday, February 1 at 7:30pm at C103. ** My intrigue in the name of this performance was only enhanced when I walked in the theatre and saw …
Vice Versa
Guest festival blogger and local funny man Jon Mick gives Punctuate! Theatre‘s Vice Versa 19 stars! Catch Vice Versa this Wednesday, Jan 30 at 7:30pm and Friday, February 1 at 7:30pm at C103. ** Death can be hilarious. It’s hard to believe but it is true. Think about the time you chuckled when you heard about some poor soul getting …
A Western
Guest festival blogger Mike Hudema shares his thoughts (and Haikus!) on Action Hero‘s A Western at Workshop West‘s 2013 Canoe Theatre Festival. ** A Western Haiku: This is the old west Imagination ketchup The blood on your hands Walking into New City one hardly knows what to expect from two theatre artists from England and their play known simply as …
Northern Soul
Guest festival blogger Mike Hudema shares his thoughts (and Haikus!) on Victoria Melody’s Northern Soul. ** Pre-Haiku: Brown box coffee mug Stage eclectic offerings I wait for pigeon. It’s not often that a somewhat random assortment of home movies and childhood tales could make for an engaging piece of theatre, but when mixed with a healthy dose of northern soul …
White Rabbit Red Rabbit
Guest festival blogger Brittney LeBlanc (@britl) shares her thoughts on Nassim Soleimanpour’s White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit plays again on Friday, February 1 at 9:30pm and Saturday, February 2 at 2pm at C103. ** Before I start my review, there are a few things I think you should know.Firstly, I would advise those of you who are …