Northern Soul

Guest festival blogger Mike Hudema shares his thoughts (and Haikus!) on Victoria Melody’s Northern Soul. ** Pre-Haiku: Brown box coffee mug Stage eclectic offerings I wait for pigeon. It’s not often that a somewhat random assortment of home movies and childhood tales could make for an engaging piece of theatre, but when mixed with a healthy dose of northern soul …

White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Guest festival blogger Brittney LeBlanc (@britl) shares her thoughts on Nassim Soleimanpour’s White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit plays again on Friday, February 1 at 9:30pm and Saturday, February 2 at 2pm at C103. ** Before I start my review, there are a few things I think you should know.Firstly, I would advise those of you who are …