The Kitchen Sink Project at The Canoe Theatre Festival

Catch the Keys is proud to present The Kitchen Sink Project as part of the fifth annual Canoe Theatre Festival‘s Adventures in Whitewater Theatre workshop series.

A study of the roles women put on and take off in and out of the home, The Kitchen Sink Project spans the decades and brings together a collection of deeply moving, hysterical, bizarre and heartbreaking (her)stories inspired by the kitchen sink.

To date, more than 75 stories have been gathered from around the world. Catch the Keys is inviting women of all walks of life to share their stories and join the conversation. Stories collected will be transformed into a multidiscplinary stage work in Catch the Keys’ 2013 season. Featuring readings by Morgan Smith and Mary Hulbert.

The Kitchen Sink Project
Saturday, January 21 @ 4:00pm-5:45pm
Basement, Hudson’s On Campus Pub (11113 87 Avenue)